Carefully I carried my backpack out of the darkened room, making as little noise as possible. In the bathroom I dug the bladder out of the pack and refilled it, noticing that there was a little bit of water on the outside where I'd spilled as I refilled. No problem. I carefully carried the backpack with the water bladder in the other hand back through the darkened room. Put the backpack against the wall and put the bladder up on the bed so I could heave myself as silently as possible up the ladder and onto the bunk.
Uh-oh. There must have been more water on the outside than I realized. Well, no. I hadn't gotten the seal seated right and spilled about a cup of water. By the time I figured this out my sleeping bag was damp, my pajamas were wet and I'd scooped my cellphone out of the puddle
Quietly figuring out what I could possibly do with what I had on hand was a nightmare. When finished I was only moderately damp and very grateful that the room was too hot lest I freeze.
Since I could finally get online I decided to write a post. Then my phone began acting funny. When I tried to fix this by rebooting it refused to acknowledge my touch on the screen. I could not even enter my password.
We were near a big city that might have an Apple Store. But how much time would that take? Would they have a place or would I have to wait for Burgos where Lindsay will leave me? The thought of doing the Camino without a smartphone is terrifying.
Ultimately the morning showed that the problem was a film of water on the touchscreen. Disassembling the protective case and wiping it off solved the problem but not before significant angst had gone into locating a store and trying to replan out day with the new goal in mind.
With so many beautiful wildflowers along the path I'm always thinking of Jesus saying "Consider the flowers of the field. They don't work and they don't spin but Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as well as them." Still need to learn the lesson not just to cherish the wildflowers but to stop worrying.
Oh, that sounds miserable. I'm glad everything turned out fine in the end! And I need to work on not worrying too. :-)