Friday, May 13, 2016

The Lost is Found

Coming down the home stretch on preparations.  For the last two or three days I have been worried because I could not find our Credencials del Peregrino, our Pilgrim's Passports that have to get stamped at each place where we stay, and which give us the right to stay at the albergues, the special hostels for pilgrims.

I had ordered them in advance, and when they got here, I put them in a safe place (I thought).  Those who know me know that organized paperwork is not my strong suit.  I was not completely panicked, because it is possible to obtain these when you arrive, but I had deliberately ordered them in advance and was bothered that I couldn't find them.

A lot of cleaning and organization has happened that probably would not have happened if I had been able to locate these immediately.  So God is good.  And I am grateful that they have surfaced.  


  1. I'm glad you found them! :-)

  2. You will love having the passports - so glad you located them before you left! Now you can fill them with divine energy. Xo
