The Guidebook we are following prescribed a short walk today. After yesterday were cautious. We were on the road by seven, that late only because we waited for Linsay to be able to get coffee. Then we arrived at our destination by eleven. Do we cancel our reservation and make the next 6 k walk? We called ahead to the private place which was already full. Ok. A short day for us sitting around in the lovely town of Najara. We are in the old town which is modernized and full of little shops. Lots of life, non Camino folks showing off their babies, people shopping and eating at cafes.
Something joyful was happening at night. After we'd gotten into pajamas a band showed up at the local square playing some sort of raucous celebratory music for about 15 to 20 minutes. We were just enough off the square not to be able to see. I speculate that it was news of a win at some sort of sporting event since during the day there was a group of teenagers who would periodically sing some sort of chant and wave a flag around vigorously. Maybe one of our fellow peregrinos (pilgrims) will have figured it out. We'll ask tomorrow.
Tomorrow we may face rain for the first time.
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